The members derive the immense benefit of networking with the Co-professionals in the field in India and also abroad. Besides they also have opportunities for:
1. Keeping up-to-date with the latest development in the continually change in training & development field.
2. Keeping abreast of experiments and experiences of other professionals in the country.
3. Participating in an All-India forum for exchange of ideas, views and information.
4. Securing valuable support of experienced professionals in specific tasks of training & development.
5. Having access to opportunities to contribute to professional activities.
6. Participating in national Conventions and Seminars/ Training Programmes at consessional fee.
7. Receiving ISTD News, the quarterly Newsletter, on the Societys activities.
8. Receiving other ISTD publications at a special discount.
9. Participation in Conferences of IFTDO, ARTDO and ASTD at concessional rates.
10. Participate in the activities of the society and any of it’s chapters or to use it’s library, research and training materials, films, aids and equipment with or without charges, as may be determined by national council of the society.